Monday, May 12, 2014

Bout of Books 10.0 Read-a-Thon!

I decided to join in on my first ever read-a-thon, because, too be honest, I haven't been reading as much as I want to be. (I blame Neopets) I am currently in the middle of 3-4* books, some of which I keep putting off, and then I, consequently, start others. I think this read-a-thon will be a great chance for me to focus on reading! While I eat, while I relax, anytime I would be doing something less productive **cough**neopets** I'm really excited to get some books finished and start some new ones that I bought recently.

So, let me first explain how this goes. The Bout of Books Read-a-Thon starts today, May 12, and ends on May 18. There are no mandatory challenges or goal, which makes it great for beginners like me. In this week, the only requirement is that you try to read more than you normally would. You can make personal challenges for yourself, if you want, too. You can find more information about the Read-a-Thon, and sign up until May 13, on their site!

Now, onto my personal goals and whatnot! I haven't set anything official, but I do like the idea of being able to read a book a day. For me, at the moment, that is probably unrealistic. However, having this goal might motivate me to get more reading done. I will be very happy if I'll be able to finish the 3 books I'm currently reading:
I've been putting this one off because I want to pick up the third book to read directly after. However, that is not happening, so maybe finishing it will be the motivation I need to finally buy the third!
This book I picked up in hopes of reading the series, to inspire me to write my post-apoc story. While I'm loving it (and I've read it before so I know I love it) I'm just not in the mood to keep reading the series right now. So I want to at least finish this baby.
Started this only a few days ago, and it's a fast read that I've been reading slow. I adore it so far! The creepy factor, and the island are so intriguing. It's inspiring me to read other books with a similar setting.

Soooo along with those three that I want to finish, I am going to be reading the manga One Piece online, which I technically can count as a book, even though it's digital. I currently have a huge ass stack of books in my TBR, along with some new additions, and more on the way, so I hope to plow through several of those. I'll really have to see how it goes at this rate, since I've been reading so slowly lately.

Nonetheless, I am excited to participate in this read-a-thon! I thought of making video updates for it, but that would take up too much of my time. Instead, I'll be making daily updates on here, and I'll make frequent Twitter posts, as well. So go follow me there to see what I'm up to!

That's about it! If you're participating, I'd love to know what you're reading and how it's going throughout the week! I'll let you know how my reading went at the end of the day!


*One of them I am reading to my boyfriend so I can't really count it as a book I'm trying to get finished.

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