Thursday, May 14, 2015

Skinny by Ibi Kaslik

This was a heavy book, the kind that digs its way under your skin and sticks there long after you’ve finished it, leaving you feeling lead-limbed and melancholy. With its gorgeous writing and complex characters, Skinny was far more than I expected it to be.

Based on its simple, Summery cover, and straightforward title, I assumed this book would be a short and sweet story about eating disorder recovery, as told by a teenage girl. Instead, it was the story of two sisters, one about fourteen and the other about twenty-two, both of them having to deal with their confusing lives while Giselle, the older sister, has anorexia.

The way both point of views wove together was beautiful. The writing was poetic and at points jumbled, but I think that was a good way of showing everything that was going on in the girls’ minds. The past mixed with the present, to unravel Giselle’s struggles with her dad and younger sister, Holly. While at the same time, Holly was trying to piece together her own existence. I loved the two sides to this story, and the relationship between the two sisters.

This book held an eerily lovely mood, which reminded me of Francesca Lia Block’s works. The plot was slow going, but in an enjoyable way that allowed me to truly get to know the characters. It was a coming of age story at the same time that it was a book about young adult life. The way Giselle described her eating disorder was very clear and informative.

Although the ending confused me a bit, overall I loved this book, and will definitely pick it up in the future.

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